We lost less quality in the conversion this time. With Video 1 we went for BEST QUALITY avi first, and made it a small Flash file ourselves THEN, thinking that would be Ready For Tub Quality That We Could Control, but we found out You Tube makes it MONO, and therefor converts it again, another loss of pixelstuff...

This time we were advised by Marcel Boere, our local fellow YouTubber of the renowned AltImprov.com and leiden virtueel.nl, that we'd better make it a Windows (.wmv ,if I remember it correctly, ) Media File, as small as possible, and that would give 'better' YouTube results, (meaning less pixels etc LOST). Marcel even jumped behind the LVP Media PC and showed me how, and it seems the You Tubequality is indeed not as disappointing as part 1, so thanx, Marcel "Starbrook"!!! (wich is his Second Wife's Web A.K.A.,
I believe)
Marcel also told me we could always redo our first video by replacing it with a new version, so since I have to change some text and credit-details in both video's, I think we're gonna have to make TWO revised versions anyway, but for now at least we have the music out. Ziggi's band was kind enough to allow us to film up close and we promised them something that would show the happy effect their music and communication had on the crowd, and I think we didn't do too bad on this one, inspired as we were, feeling IRI and all
So sorry , Ziggi, we're gonna fix that piece of text soon, but we thought the MUSIC is great, so for the moment we left it out there on You Tube.
If people might mistake you for Ziggy (M), the QUALITY of your music and fantastic BAND might be the cause of that, more than a Y or an I that I typed...
But, no span, I & I are gonna big up this one. Respect!